Large-scale hospitality spaces have endless options when it comes to designing a fit out to utilise the area for a variety of events down the track. We’ve worked with many RSL clubs and event venues, helping them create functional yet beautiful hospitality spaces.

With a vast range of hospitality furniture designs to choose from, it can be hard to nail down your style. So, to help you out, here are some things you need to consider when furnishing an RSL or event space…

#1 Will the furniture pass the durability test?

The average household chair might get used a few times a day for short periods. Chairs in event spaces and RSLs however, are continually pulled out, pushed in, sat on, pushed over, stood on, and more. Constant action means you need to choose hospitality furniture that’s made to withstand frequent use. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they’re built to last.

#2 Big and bulky is not always the toughest

Rearranging or moving furniture around in a large space is almost a daily occurrence, particularly when you’re regularly hosting events that require a different setup. For this reason, you need to think about how easy it is to move your chosen furnishings. Large, bulky and cumbersome chairs and tables will make things a lot harder for you and your team. That’s why it’s better to choose lightweight options that are sturdy, safe and easy to move into a new configuration.

#3 Will your furniture stack and pack?

Flexibility when furnishing large event spaces gives guests the ability to customise the area the way they want. In doing so, you may find that you’ll need to pack away and store furniture. We’ve thought ahead and offer a wide range of chairs that are easily stacked, so you can store them conveniently and safely whenever you need.

#4 Ensure the furniture works in harmony with your space

The larger the space, the more options you have, which means more decisions and more opportunities to get things wrong. Understanding the potential of your space before you start placing orders is paramount to ensure you’re choosing the right pieces of furniture and getting the most out of your venue.

You need to think about what the space will look like, and how easily you’ll be able to move around once it’s furnished. Luckily for you, our team have helped countless largescale venues choose hospitality furniture that fits their space and suits their style, creating layouts that are both functional and stunning.

#5 Make the reality fit the vision

Larger hospitality spaces have different requirements when it comes to choosing the styles and designs of hospitality furniture. Where one table and chair combo might look breathtaking tucked into the nook of a café, it could look all kinds of wrong when repeated over and over again throughout a large room. Finding the right balance of furnishings to make a space look great is the key.

If you’re looking for advice, inspiration or to get started choosing your RSL hospitality furniture, get in touch with one of our expert team members at or 1300 715 937.

Thanks for reading,
Have a Seat
1300 715 937
