Our Story

Mobius Medical is proudly owned and operated by Suzanne Williams, Stefan Czyniewski and Richard Brookes. Meeting initially at Ventracor in 2005, working together on LVAD clinical trials, Suzanne and Stefan decided to team up and create a consultancy clinical trials management business.

Mobius Medical was founded in 2008 and, for a number of years, enjoyed moderate organic growth stemming from a handful of clients’ word of mouth recommendations and repeat business. Mobius’ clinical trials management of largely medical devices was to undergo expansion to include trials with other therapeutics, and our service offering grew with a full suite of electronic tools such as data capture, reported outcomes, randomisation and trial master file when Richard joined Mobius as a third owner in 2014. With his software/finance background, Richard systemised the company’s operating systems for upward growth, and created our EDC arm. Recognition of some of Richard’s finest work is ISO 9001 certification (since 2015) for our web-based quality management system.

Mobius quickly evolved into a full service CRO and supports over 30 studies at any given time. They say a company is only as good as its people and Mobius is teeming with good people. The group comprises high achievers in the extreme - energetic, service-focused, highly qualified professionals who work with passion, foresight, and motivation to create a difference in the lives of people who need therapeutic goods.

Mobius Medical Principals
Stefan Czyniewski, MBA, BMedSci
Richard Brookes, BEcon, CFA
Suzanne Williams, BSc Hons
Mobius Medical Team
The Mobius Medical Team

We’re so proud to have ...

  • Supported the pivotal trial for novel closed loop pain management tool to help support the build of an AU company
  • Been local sponsor and CRO for first in human trial of transcatheter mitral valve implant
  • Helped to develop disruptive technology in portable brain scanning for stroke diagnosis
  • Guided a fresh start-up through their first clinical application of orthotics for disabled (cerebral palsy) children
  • Provided clinical trials management and reporting for bionic vision technologies
  • Partnered academia and SME developing cutting edge medical monitoring tools
  • Been selected as CRO for several sponsors developing novel agents for rare disease in adults and paediatrics
  • Been chosen to help develop medical devices for novel peritoneal dialysis programs
  • Been called an “inspired choice CRO” for early phase clinical trials in hyperimmune therapeutics, specifically to prevent COVID
  • Supported first in human study gathering early clinical data for minimally invasive lower back pain treatment
  • Represented Australia as CRO for global phase II-IV trials with a potassium lowering agent resulting in expedited PMA
  • Assisted the successful IDE application following submission of FIH acute stroke (thrombectomy) study in New Zealand

Meet the Mobius Medical Directors

Stefan Czyniewski
BMedSci, MBA
Co-founder & Clinical Director

Stefan is a founding member of Mobius Medical and brings with him a sound knowledge and experience of clinical trial management and regulatory report submission requirements required for device approval. His expertise includes clinical trial design, management and reporting, database design, project management and regulatory reporting.

Graduating from the University of Sydney, Stefan initially worked as a research assistant for an orthopaedic surgeon. In 2003 he joined the clinical research team at Fornier Pharma and based at the Clinical Trial Centre at the NHMRC, working in Clinical and Data Management on the FIELD study, a multicentre, international, phase III study.

Stefan moved back into the medical device space in 2006 as a Senior CRA and then Clinical Affairs Manager at Ventracor. He was placed in charge of the clinical dossier for CE Marking of the VentrAssist which was achieved in December 2006.

Suzanne M. Williams
BSc Hons (UK)
Co-founder & Clinical Director

A graduate of Manchester University (UK), Suzanne joined ICON Clinical Research (UK), as a Clinical Research Associate enjoying exposure to many therapeutic areas within the pharmaceutical clinical trials arena, before heading to Australia to establish ICON’s Sydney office in 1997. Remaining in Australia, Suzanne went on to gain extensive experience of ‘big pharma’ clinical trials management at Searle, Pharmacia, Roche and Pfizer.

In 2003 Suzanne switched focus to medical devices and joined the clinical team at Ventracor assisting with the successful completion of the pivotal trials which enabled the company to obtain the CE Mark of their LVAD device. From there, Suzanne teamed up with other medical devices experts to create Mobius Medical; a boutique CRO now in its eighth year of working with start-up companies and the development of their technologies.

Suzanne is the Clinical Director focusing on liaison with clients and the clinical investigational staff to design, initiate, resource and project manage a wide variety of medical device, pharma. and IVD clinical trials. Armed with a thorough understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of clinical research, Suzanne also offers advice and conducts training programs for clinical research personnel.

Richard Brookes
BEcon, CFA
Technical Director

Richard joined Mobius Medical as Technical Director and manages the electronic data capture (EDC), clinical trial management systems (CTMS) and clinical data management services business. Richard is also building the platform to deliver the fantastic new online training courses being offered by Mobius Medical.

Richard joined Mobius Medical as Technical Director and manages the electronic data capture (EDC), clinical trial management systems (CTMS) and clinical data management services business. Richard is also building the platform to deliver the fantastic new online training courses being offered by Mobius Medical.

After developing software early on in the internet/eCommerce boom of the late 90s, Richard founded a company developing enterprise data management tools which was acquired in 2009 by a US software vendor. After his success in the software industry, Richard had an opportunity to utilise his skills in the finance industry where he developed statistical trading models as a portfolio manager for a Sydney-based long short hedge fund.

Richard is now focused on applying his technological skills to build a better breed of clinical trial and data management solutions for the clinical trial industry.